JW02.21.270 Euonymus

Today, I attended the celebration tea party organized by the Zhangzhong Alumni Association to congratulate Academician Jaung-Geng Lin on his election to the Academia Sinica. I was honored that the Taipei Zhangzhong Alumni Association chose the wooden pen I made as a souvenir to present to the Academician. Among the sculptures, round plaques, and flower arrangements, the pen may have seemed insignificant, but a commemorative item with the author's name carries deep emotional weight.
by by Jwood Wooden Pen / Chung Chi-Chi
#JW Collector's Diary (et's see what kind of people are Jwood's collectors)
Wood material: Euonymus
Lacquer finish: Traditional lacquer
Number: JW02.21.2700
Collector: Academician Jaung-Geng Lin
Baidu Encyclopedia:

Today, I attended the celebration tea party organized by the Zhangzhong Alumni Association to congratulate Academician Jaung-Geng Lin on his election to the Academia Sinica. I was honored that the Taipei Zhangzhong Alumni Association chose the wooden pen I made as a souvenir to present to the Academician. Among the sculptures, round plaques, and flower arrangements, the pen may have seemed insignificant, but a commemorative item with the author's name carries deep emotional weight.

Academician Lin was the president when I joined the alumni association. Due to the board meetings, I had many opportunities to interact with him. He was very caring towards the younger generation. At the time, I didn't know that he was a global authority in the field of Chinese medicine and acupuncture, or that he was an expert who seamlessly integrated Chinese and Western medicine, often invited to lecture abroad, even at the United Nations. I also didn't know that his hometown was Jinling Village, Xiushui, Changhua - the place where children learn inline skating.

Of course, the Academician's academic achievements are admirable. He has made remarkable discoveries, identifying five erroneous acupuncture points in traditional Chinese medicine. The most interesting thing I've heard is that an Arab king once sent a private jet to bring him over to treat the king's brother. The medical fees for that trip were astronomical, but the Academician donated all of it to the schools he had attended, including Xiushui's most famous elementary school, Beidou Junior High, Changhua Senior High, and the China Medical University. The Academician says he is a "man of no desires" with low ambitions, so he is always smiling, has a wide circle of friends, and asks for nothing in return. Everyone who mentions him gives him a big thumbs up.

In July, the Academician was elected to the Life Science Division of the Academia Sinica with a high number of votes. He is the only one with a Chinese medicine background to become an Academician, and the first home-grown Chinese medicine doctor to enter the Academia Sinica as a local expert. Congratulations to the Academician!
News Report:https://youtu.be/Kziw9uX2wow
The news video reports on Academician Jaung-Geng Lin's election to the Academia Sinica.

The Euonymus material is also quite special. Euonymus is a rambling shrub, so it grows in a curved, twisted shape, making it a bonsai plant since ancient times in China, with diverse forms and strong personalities. As a dwarf shrub, it grows relatively slowly, so the wood is particularly dense. The diameter of Euonymus wood is generally rarely seen to exceed 10 cm, and due to its rambling, curved nature, it's difficult to obtain a straight pen blank without wasting a lot of material. Euonymus wood is extremely hard. After fine polishing, it will show a glossy, glass-like luster. Combined with my lacquering method, filling the small pores and bark indentations with clear lacquer, and then applying multiple layers of traditional lacquer, the entire pen body is elevated to an exceptional shine, completely rivaling regular plastic coatings. This pen is one of my most satisfactory recent works, and I am very confident that it will not be outshined by any other souvenir item at such a grand occasion.

I am grateful for the Alumni Association's choice, allowing my work to be collected by such impressive collectors. The only way I can repay them is to continue striving to improve the quality of my works, making them worthy of such amazing collectors.

#Jwood #Wooden Pen #Wooden Fountain Pen #Zhangzhong Alumni Association